

icism from many of our friend, as well as our enemies, abroad.In view of these circumstances, there were some who urged withdrawal of all American forces.1ez516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  From a political standpoint, this would have been a popular and easy course to follow.1ez516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  After all, we became involved in the war while my predecessor was in office.1ez516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  I could blame the defeat, which would be the result of my action, on him -- and come out as the peacemaker.1ez516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  Some put it to me quite bluntly: this was the only way to avoid allowing Johnson’s war to become Nixon’s war.But I had a greater obligation than to think only of the years of my Administration, and of the next election.1ez516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  I had to think of the effect of my decision on the next generation, and on the future of peace and freedom in America, and in the world.Let us all understand that the question before us is not whether some Americans are for peace and some Americans are against peace.1ez516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  The question at issue is not whether Johnson’s war becomes Nixon’s war.1ez516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

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